The Importance Of Instrument Sterilization For Vets
What Is Sterilisation?
Sterilisation refers to the process in which certain microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spores, and eukaryotic organisms are deactivated or killed. The obvious benefit is that this process drastically reduces the likelihood of an infection. In addition, this reduces the need to use new surgical instruments, plus it promotes a good, clean veterinary clinic.
In the veterinary field, surgical instruments and equipment should be kept free from contamination before any surgical or treatment process.

What Is an Autoclave?
Sterilizing by using steam is a very common method used by vets across the country. This method kills the dangerous bacteria with the moisture. Pressure is often used to increase the steam’s temperature in order to ensure all of the germs and bacteria are killed. Autoclave chambers allow the steam to reach over the boiling point of water and can take up to 90 minutes to ensure sterilization. There are three common types of sterilizers used, such as gravity, prevacuum, and steam pulsing. Each operates a bit differently, but all achieve the same results.
Autoclaves are effective at killing bacteria, spores, fungi, viruses, and any other agents that may spread diseases through the equipment and fluids used in treatment.
How does autoclaving kill bacteria?
The heat that an autoclave delivers via pressurized steam kills bacteria and other microorganisms by causing the organisms' structural proteins and enzymes to lose their shape in an irreversible way, denaturing and coagulating them and making them nonfunctional.
What is the temperature for autoclave sterilization?
The most common temperature for autoclave sterilization is 121°C, but many autoclaves allow cycles at higher temperatures, such as 132°C and 134°C.
How long does it take an autoclave to sterilize?
The time required to sterilize something depends on what that object is made of, whether it's wrapped or unwrapped, and what type of autoclave is being used, according to the CDC.